Monday, March 16, 2009

More than just another manic Monday

If today is not a full moon, it should be.

Sheesh!  Insanity abounded this morning and carried over into the afternoon.  Monday mornings are bulletin days for me.  I like to get the Confession and prayers and lessons in on Mondays and then leave the bulletin "open" for any changes or announcements until it has to be printed Thursday morning.  Add to that a Lenten bulletin that needs to be ready for Wednesday night, so during Lent, the first order of Monday business is that bulletin. 

Except for the fact that though the pastor had emailed me what he wanted in the bulletin, he had cut and pasted the lessons without giving me the verse or book of the scripture....and he couldn't remember one of them, other than it was a Psalm.  SO, while he is digging for that...

Papa comes into the office (we call him Papa Don because we love him and he went on the mission trip with us last year.  The nickname came from somewhere and just stuck) and asked if our treasurer had been in to print out financials for the council meeting tonight.  Our Treasurer is on AIM so I messaged her and asked about it and she'd had the stomach flu and had not been in to do it, so she was trying to walk me through printing out a financial report I had never done before. Then once it was printed, Papa had questions, so I had to type those to the treasurer and then wait and relay the responses to Papa.

I love all these people but this whole process took a lot of time, which was fine, except then the church lady came in and thought she was going to run the Lenten bulletin.  Well, think again!  Explained to her how my morning had gone and then she had the nerve to ask how long it would take me to get it done!  Told her it would not be in time for her to be at work (I still didn't have the verses from the pastor yet and once I got those, I had to call the music director for the hymn number). 

By the time I left, somehow, the Lenten bulletin was finished and one of the Sunday bulletins.  Came home and went back to work painting JJ"s bedroom.  This all went well and when Aaron got home, I quit because I didn't really want him to paint, because in all honesty, he's really bad at it.  Our walls are textured, so it means you really have to take your time and make sure you are covering the walls, and he is really not about time taking.  So, I quit and went downstairs to fix a chicken and cheese wrap and to watch "Brothers & Sisters".  I ate the wrap, watched the first ten minutes and remembered that JJ had won a bike from the school and I needed to go pick it up.  About that time, lunch decided it was not going to agree with me, and I began with early dumping symptoms; more incessant belching than usual and feeling like I needed to yak. 

I called the school to see if I could come over around 4:00, but was told 3:30 would be better. Hanging up and still trying not to puke, I checked the time; 3:28.  Fabulous.  So, I got in the car, with a mad case of the foamies and drove to the school to get the bike, which thankfully someone else loaded for me as I am still not to be lifting (and I still have pain in my left side..ugh!).  Got back home, finished watching my DVR'd show and then both kids were outside playing with friends, so I took that opportunity to return to JJ's room for more painting. 

I have real trouble letting projects sit when I can be working on them.  Add to that the fact that Wednesday is supposed to be in the 70's and I know I will want to be outside.  So, I fix the ceiling on the side of the room we have been working on and Aaron apparently smells me painting from outside as in he comes.  "Need help?"  Nope, not with trim..too intricate.  He came back three times until I finally knew if I didn't let him paint something, I was going to wind up trying to paint my ears closed, so I gave him a wall to paint with instructions on how to deal with the textured walls.  He was done in record time and when he left I had to redo it because of all the places he missed completely.  *sigh*

I have now quit for the night but there are only two walls left to do, but they may have to wait till Thursday.  Tomorrow is hair and nails and kickboxing.  Wednesday, I'll be damned if I am going to be penned up inside if the weather is nice.
Tuesday, really needs to be a better day.


  1. All I can say is at least Aaron wanted to help... that's positive, isn't it?

  2. Hi there, I hope your Tuesday rocks! :) No more insane days!!! At least this week.. hehehe
