Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Saga of my Crazy Neighbors and other news

I keep having the urge to reiterate that I live in a good neighborhood.  We are not in the hood or the ghetto or any of that.  We live on a nice street with nice houses right across from one of the most beautiful city parks in the USA in my opinion.

But for some reason, the last year, my neighbors have apparently become insane. 

Today, my eldest son, and his friend across the street, Lilah, were outside and they suddenly came into the house.  Aaron was visibly upset.  Apparently, the neighbor down the street, the one who called me last week who had housed the butthead who robbed us, approached my son.  The neighbor, we'll call him "T" for turd, approached Aaron and accused him of slashing his tires.  Yeah.  He also used all sorts of colorful language as Lilah told me.  T is obviously blind as well as dumb, as one look at Aaron could tell anyone he is in no way strong enough to slash a tire; he is a scrawny little thing.  Secondly, he was accused of doing this in the middle of the night and he takes medication to help him sleep due to his ADHD and he is OUT till morning.  Thirdly, he would be scared crapless to be outside in the middle of the night.

I hit the roof.  I started to call 911, then changed my mind and called The Brit, who in turn tried to call the turd, but got his voicemail.  The Brit informed the turd that he'd better be on our porch ready to talk at 6:00pm and that if he had any issues with anyone in our family, the turd was to talk to him and no one else.  I hung up and called the police as I am sick of the turd's crap (no pun intended).  They came out and the kids and I talked to them and while that happened, the turd called The Brit back, all apologetic.  The Brit verbally laid the guy out; told him he was never to speak to his kids again.  The police also went down to speak to the turd.  End of story for now.  Good grief!

Tomorrow, I am scoping out this stable for my riding lessons. If I chose to go during not peak hours, which suits me great while the kids are in school, it is only $25 an hour.  Very cool.  She emailed me right back today and I'm going out to tour the facility tomorrow.  I'm very excited!

Kickboxing tonight about kicked my butt.  Michael was feeling fierce and we were all dripping by the time it was over.  Still love it though, even when he is mean (he's almost another girl crush for me.  He's very Jack McFarland from "Will and Grace" if you get my drift.).


  1. That guy is a turd! Geez...

    I can't wait to hear about the stable... $25 is awesome! If only I lived closer!!

    I love the Will & Grace reference... and I totally get what you mean - I work with SEVERAL like that!

  2. Wow, your little street could be a tv show, couldn't it?
    I need to find a kickboxing class. I have so many videos at home, but going and doing it sounds sooo much better and more motivational!
