Thursday, March 12, 2009


Today after work, I bit the bullet and went in to clean the youngest child'd bedroom as the room needs painted desperately, but it has to be clean first.  I was doing lots of bending to pick things up off the floor and now I am having pain in my left side.  Not agonizing or continuous, only when I move.  Is this from the gall bladder thing and should I be worried?  I'm contemplating a pain killer, but haven't yet decided.

The youngest child won a bike for never missing one of his morning reading groups.  They drew names today and he was one of the two winners so of course, he is over the moon.  He just got a new bike for his birthday in November, but now he is a two bike family of one.

I'm supposed to go to kickboxing at 6:30.  But now I  need to decide what to do about this pain and should I be concerned.  I assume there are stitches inside of me from the surgery?  The pain is not at an incision site and I have been having some discomfort there off and on since surgery, but nothing quite this sharp. 

Tomorrow is Q&A day, but again, no questions.  Maybe I should discontinue it and come up with another weekly theme.  It just takes the pressure off having to come up with something to blog about one day a week as you guys were giving me my Friday topics.  So what else could I do that might be of interest to you that would lower my need to think on a Friday after a long week?  Suggestions?


  1. Get that pain checked out - and skip kickboxing.

    Maybe you could do a Friday Recipe?

    I can't think of questions right now... brain isn't working

  2. Hey there, having just had my gallbladder removed myself, I really think you should at least call.. The gallbladder is on the right side, and your left side is hurting.. so you may have pulled a muscle. It's likely nothing, but you may want to call :) better safe than sorry! :)

  3. YUP...I agree ..skip the kick-boxing definitely...AND I just to be safe.
