Monday, March 9, 2009

Learning Lots in a full day

Today has been very busy!  First work, where I realized I had left my ipod at home, and I am unable to go to the gym without it.  So, beings the weather was fairly decent, I went home, changed out of my workout pants into jeans and walked two miles around the park instead, with my ipod (I couldn't bring myself to run all the way home for my ipod and then back to the gym).  When I fell a few weeks ago and screwed up my left foot and right knee, I am still having some issues, so now my foot is aching something fierce, but I've also pretty much been on my feet spring cleaning ever since my walk.  I want to get all the spring stuff done so that when the weather stabilizes, I am free to walk the park or take a chair and a book over there after work to read, etc.  I want to soak in the warmth after being cold all winter!

When I walked around the park, I listened to my second Jillian Michael's podcast and dang, I love them!  She knows so much stuff!  Today, she talked about happiness and how sometimes, even the bad stuff is just part of the journey to happiness and we just need to accept that and enjoy this ride called life.  She also talked about some really scary stuff that the food industry doesn't want us to know, such as *shudder* that there is an acceptable amount of certain things that can legally be in our food....such as rat hair, maggots, some other kind of tiny bug but my mind is drawing a blank at the moment.  She is very "buy organic" oriented and after hearing what is considered by law "Acceptable" I completely understand the organic thing!  Ick!

But check out that link to her radio show!  Well worth the listen!


  1. Oh girl - you have no idea! I took a class on that in college... freaky stuff, but I had it right before lunch too - so at least 2 days a week I didn't eat lunch!

    On the organic stuff - there aren't as many regulations on that, AND those things can get infested more easily than the other food items... for instance - my Dad bought some organic stuff from Whole Foods once, and well - lets just say that his pantry became infested with flying insects within a day of the purchase!! YUCK!

    There is just no good answer out there - we all need to process our own food to be safe from the food industry!

  2. Hi there, I can definitely relate as far as not having the ipod goes! it's very hard to workout without it!
    I joined the Biggest Loser League yesterday b/c of one of your posts.. still setting it up though! Have a great day! :)
