Friday, March 13, 2009


So I didn't skip the kickboxing class last night and the pain/discomfort is no better or worse this morning.  I did call the surgeon's office and am waiting for a nurse callback.

It's not awful.  More uncomfortable than anything and had I not had surgery two and a half weeks ago, I'd be sure it was only a pulled muscle.  But as it has been a discomfort off and on since surgery which has now intensified a bit, I'd rather err on the side of caution.  It isn't constant.  When I'm sitting still, there is no pain, only when I move about.  Weird.  No fever.  No chills, though I am cold, but that is just me whining because it isn't warm outside today.

I probably should have skipped the kickboxing but it is so hard for me to chose to skip a workout now!  I was looking forward to it, so I went and tried to keep things low key.  Excerising is just something that has become ingrained in my soul I think and as I was not in unbearable pain, I went.  I'd really call it more of a discomfort than pain, though it almost feels as if there should be an incision there, as that is the kind of discomfort it is.  But the incision sites on the left side are a good bit above where this is.  *sigh*  I'm really really ready to be at 100% again. 

Speaking of being at 100% again, I finally started doing some more research on this burping thing.  I discovered a condition called Aerophagia, which is defined as: Swallowing too much air, a common cause of gas in the stomach and belching. Everyone swallows small amounts of air when eating or drinking. However, rapid eating or drinking, chewing gum, smoke,
or ill-fitting dentures may cause a significant increase in swallowed air.  I have also found out that being lactose intolerant is a part of this too, so I've thought about stopping my dairy products for a time, though it breaks my heart, especially regarding cream in my coffee.  But I need to start experimenting to try to get to the bottom of this problem.

Hopkins just called me back and nurse Tara said not to be too concerned.  Dr. S had to cut through muscle to get in there two weeks ago and she said it could take about 6 weeks for all that to heal, and honestly, it does feel like a muscle as I stated above.  She said I could use a warm compress on the area to see if that would loosen things up a bit.  Cool.  I feel much better now.

Still unsure of what to do with my Friday blogs.  Kim suggested a Fitness Friday.  What do you all think?  What do you all want to know about?  What would interest you?  Heaven knows, I am not a professional at anything, but can speak from opinion or experience. 


1 comment:

  1. Amazing that you're experiencing that discomfort... I don't know what's up - either I don't have any feeling or something weird happens to me with those sorts of things - since I had no discomfort or pain of any kind. Bizzare! (Maybe it was because the pain before surgery was so yucky?)
