Monday, March 2, 2009

Back to our regularly scheduled programming

Wow.  Feeling much better today.  Yesterday was kind of a blur.  Today I put in a normal day; work, library and cleaning up my neglected house and I still feel good...with the exception of one tiny problem.

I am still burping.

Yeah, you heard me right.  It has not stopped.  Is this just an RNY thing?  I've heard patients say they burp more after having this surgery.  Would that be A LOT more?  My post op appointment is tomorrow morning at 9:30 in Baltimore (which sucks as that means driving to the city in rush hour traffic) and I'm going to ask.  My incisions feel good and I was actually able to sleep on my right side last night.  My left side still has that weird distended thingy, so I need to ask if that is normal too.  Doesn't hurt.  Just looks freakin' weird.

I'm going to really try to get back to the gym on Wednesday.  It's been over two weeks now and I start to get nervous.  Gotta get back and kick obesities ass.  No lifting for several week, but cardio is a go.

The cold has settled in again here, which bites.  Mother Nature teased us a few weeks ago with a hint of Spring, and then yanked it back with a "nanny, nanny, boo boo", the ole hag.  I know it is only March, but the first day of Spring is in March, so it would be nice if the weather would at least start heading in that general direction.  I mean tonight, we have a low of 13 degrees for crying out loud!  But at least by Thursday, we are going to be in the fifties.  I keep hoping to see the first groundhog of the season, but no signs of them yet (I don't gauge Spring by Robins, but by Groundhogs.  I've seen Robins in the winter so they cheat). 

Have finished Twilight book numero dos.  Not as good as uno, but still enjoyable.  Now, I have to break before reading "Eclipse" because I have a book out from the library I have to read and one I borrowed from someone at church in January before she went to Florida for three months.  She comes back at the end of the month and how odd would it look that I had not read her book in three months?  So I need to get on it.  It's Nicolas Sparks and I like his stuff, so it should be an easy read.

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking it might be the RNY... I always heard that it caused more gas, but haven't truly noticed it. Only maybe when I eat certain vegetables.
