Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tidbits from The Biggest Loser

By now ya'll know I am fairly well addicted to this show and that I have a total girl crush on Jillian Michaels (for those of you who do not lead youth groups, "girl crush" does not mean I swing both ways or any of that.  She is just my fitness hero). 

Tuesday night on the show, they had Sugar Ray Leonard on as a guest for some shadow boxing and he gave words to place with the word "Power" that has been a mantra running through my head ever since:

P ower
O overcome
W in
E very
R ound

I upped the resistance on the elliptical today and man, did I ever want to quit before the half hour was up!  I was sweating and tired and telling myself, "You can quit.  You had surgery a week and a half ago for crying out loud!"  Then the words "win every round" popped into my head and I doubled my effort and worked through the needing to stop.  Once I got over the hump, all was well.  I love stuff like that.

I also discovered yesterday that Jillian hosts a radio show for two hours every Sunday morning and you can download the past shows to your ipod or listen online.  I listened to one show today, and she packs a buttload of information on diet, exercise, food and fitness into that time slot and she also takes live calls.  The link for anyone interested is here.  Great stuff.

I also discovered today and joined The Biggest Loser League.  It's an online group where you join a team and keep your stats, food logs, etc and you have support from your team members.  They do challenges and the like and it's fwee (as the Geico gecko says).  Don't know yet if I will love it, but I like trying new things to keep things interesting in this weight loss/healthy new way of life.  It's all about experimenting. 

I'll share some of the tidbits from Jillian as I learn them.  I get so much more from her on this radio show than I get to see on the show, so check it out!

I need questions for tomorrow in order to do a Q&A, so if you have anything, sock it to me!


  1. Kim, We're you always very involved with your church even when you were young? You mentioned you moved a lot so I'm wondering if you had the time to meet and connect with church?
    While I am a catholic I have to admit I don't always attend like I should.
    That Catholic guilt you know.;-0)

  2. Sorry, I didn't get around to blog reading until now - so I didn't submit any questions. :-) Maybe the both of us can get back on our regular reading schedules with all the surgery stuff behind us!

    Very cool about the Biggest Loser thing - how do you like it so far?

    You know what I find about challenging myself in my workouts? If I can make it halfway... I'm not going to quit. Its some sort of mental thing for me, but if I've gotten halfway through it - then I refuse to quit and lose all the time and energy I already put into it.
