Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Busy night, short post.

I really have nothing of interest to say right now but as in an hour I leave to have my butt whooped by Jack McFarland in kickboxing, followed by crock pot dinner with dessert of American Idol and The Biggest Loser, this is the best time to blog! 

I did not get a workout in yesterday. Though I wanted to walk around the park, it was windy and cold and by the time it cleared up in the late afternoon, I was up to my elbows in paint and other projects.  Figures.  Today it has been lovely, but I had work, a nail appointment and then had to take both boys to the dentist.  Now one of them is going to a lacrosse game with his crush and the other is grounded to his room till we leave for the Y, so I can't leave him alone to walk.  So there ya go.  But Jack will be beating me up physically soon enough!

Tomorrow, my first horseback riding lesson, though I don't look to actually be in the saddle for a few weeks as there is ground stuff to learn first.  All very excciting.

And can you believe that in 15 days, I will be one year out of surgery?  It blows my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your first horseback riding lesson.. i'm sure you'll have a blast! :)
    Sounds like you had a super busy day today!
