Friday, July 24, 2009

Another Trip Around the Sun


Who would have thought?  When I was a kid, I was convinced I would never live past the age of 30.  I think it is just a matter of when you are in your youth, you simply cannot imagine getting "old".  But now that I am "old" at least old by my childhood standards, I can safely say that I don't feel old at all.  I think in many ways, having WLS when I did was the perfect timing because I feel younger than I ever have before.  I am active and get into my head that I can do anything I set my mind to.  Those feel much like the thoughts and ambitions of a child and I am quite happy to have them.

I have many blessings in my life.  My husband, who is amazing and wonderful.  My kids, who drive me nuts half the time but I dare say I will miss them once they are grown.  I think.   I have fantabulous friends who take me as I am and put up with me and my blogging. I have my family and I am close to most of them. I have six sweet and cuddly kittens who are absolute stress relievers.  I have God in my corner and with that comes the knowledge that no matter what happens, in the end, it will all be okay.  More than okay; it will be perfect.

So all in all today, I am happy for the past 43 years and the trials and triumphs that have made me who I am.  I don't regret a moment of any of it as it has all made me the person I am today.  Thanks to all of you who encourage me, befriend me, call me down when I get out of hand (HA!), allow me to cry on your shoulder and make me laugh regardless of the situation. 

Here's to 43 more!  At least!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Kim! And another 43 to go...the best years are definitely ahead of us!

    xoxo...all the best...Jil
