Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy 'bout Hump Day

Can I just say how good it still is to be down over 100 pounds?  I mean seriously, there are days when I ponder how good I feel and wonder how on earth I went all those years as heavy as I was.  I can go for hours physically and though I may be tired at the end of it, I am not incapacitated.  I don't always keep my eating perfectly in check (orange slices...those chewy, sugary things, not the fruit, are the devil in my life right now) but it is never blind eating now.  Before I would just eat whatever and rarely give it a thought.  Now, even bad choices are conscious choices and when I make them, I then exercise a little harder.  Fifteen months later, and I am truly still in awe of the things my body can do.

Tomorrow we're going to see how this body does on a distance bike ride down the canal.  I am both nervous and excited.  I'm not overly steady yet biking but have really wanted to get more serious about it.  We shall see how it goes tomorrow.  I would really like to work my way to a 5K one of these days, so I figure any new form of exercise I can work in will be a plus.

Fun stuff on the horizon.  Friday night of course is firepit night, so come on over if you so desire.  Saturday we are going to watch bad baseball at Sun's stadium as it is Lutheran Night.  We also have a boat to finish cleaning this weekend and it is only supposed to be in the seventies so that is perfect.

Next Friday is my 43rd birthday and The Brit is asking me what I want to do.  So, what do I want to do?  We can either do or cancel firepit night based upon that decision.  If I can't think of anything he will just have to surprise me.  Anyone have any suggestions?

The following week the kids are going camping and Thursday evening, Shell and I depart for DC for Women of Faith.  I've been debating not getting tickets for next year yet on the other hand, I love the girl weekend away in the city.  I guess I'll decide while there as it is easiest to get next year's tickets at the conference.

So do ya'll have anything exciting coming up?  I love little events (and big ones) that just make up this marvelous journey of life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim, You know one thing I luv about reading your posts EVERY morning is how you ALWAYS make everything so positive. I THINK THATS WHY YOUR BLOG IS ONE OF THE FIRST I READ.Honestly.
    I've been going through a kind of min-depression this week (oh, nothing to serious, still going to work, being productive and being with family) but I think I might have mentioned my son has Asberger's Syndrome, which is like high functioning Autism. For the most part Greg is a loner and has no foreidns to speak of. Now I have been on this journey for 21 years (Greg will be 21 in Nov.) so I have read my fair share, joined more groups than I can say and overall been a very hands -on mom. But every now and then it all catches up with me and I go down that road of sadness. (that's what I call it at least). I guess this has been one of those weeks. So your post this morning was just so uplifting it made me feel better just by reading it.
    Well, I'm just rambling on here but you get the idea ....LIFE is what you make it - so go out and make it...
    IN any event just my little bleep to pleasde, please keep up your blog. It's food for the soul.LOL
    I mentioned we have already been on vaca so nothig to spectacular here.
    And congrats on the 100 lbs ....I keep thinking about my 75 lbs ago life and how different that was ....Here's to us!!!!
    Luv, Susan
