Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Countdown to Operation 14

Okay, so August 19th marks the start of the operation to get to a size 14.  I tried on a pair of the 14s I have in my closet and there is definitely work to be done.  The 19th is when the kids go back to school so I can get hopping back into my normal non-summer routine.of having a few hours to myself in the afternoon to kick up my workouts.   I am actually really looking forward to it.  I need the routine that has been interrupted by summer vacations.  I am planning on some afternoon biking on the canal and when the weather cools a bit I am debating heading to the high school and trying the C25K beginning runner's program.  I hear that sprints etc are excellent fat burners, so we'll give it a go.  I am also hoping for a weekend hike with Judith one of these days. 

Then there will also be the elimination of the foods I should not be eating.  Orange slices, I love you, but we must soon part ways.  I would love wearing those size 14s way more than I enjoy eating you and your chewy goodness.  Bread, though we do not cross paths often, my relationship with you is simply not healthy and I have to cut you out of my life.

I do believe in health at any size but I am not ready to be finished on this particular journey.  There are still goals to be met.  Could I technically be happy at a size 18?  Probably, but not satisfied and I am discovering that there is a difference.  After being 315 pounds a little over a year ago, I am pretty happy with my body right now.  It does some great stuff for me with less of it to be carted around.  Sitting with my legs crossed alone brings me moments of great joy.  But I believe I can push myself harder to get to that size where I think I can be satisfied.  I don't need to be a size 2 or 4.  Don't want to be really.  I prefer having some curves thankyouverymuch and I have never wanted to be a stick insect, as The Brit calls non-curvey girls (no offense non-curvey girls, this is just a personal preference).

So ONWARD to the 14s.  I'll keep you updated on the progress after August 19th.


  1. Hi Kim, WOW..your words ring so true...I am also at an 18 now and my overall goal is to get to THAT 14 ...I've been hanging around 80 lbs down now for like 2 months and so this week i tried to jump start my program. I'm walking (sweat and all) each evening from 3-4 miles. I'm finding it much easier to walk then watch TV or putter around the house and think about food. is still very much on my mind quiite often know like those little snippets here and there ...Aug. 11 marks my 9 months and where I don't really compare myself to others I really, R-E-A-L-L-Y WANT TO get to 100 lbs. down by 1 yeart from surgery good luck to you and me ...have a good day,

  2. It's a lifetime journey - but the hardest part is moderation... or at least it is for me... because I know that I can't give up foods forever (or I wouldn't want to) but I have to somehow figure out how to have them occasionally without falling off the wagon. I guess the key is to not buy things like that where it would be left in the house... like buy it - have a taste then give it away or something.

  3. I'm also finding out how important routines are, and can't wait to get back into one myself! You will totally get into those 14s!! You've come so far, and you're only done when you say you are!
    Hugs! :)
    I've been reading your blog through my phone since I subscribe but finally got time to get on here and say hi and leave a comment!
